Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today in class

As you can see from my previous post today we wrote up stories and we finally decided on what our story is going to be about. Next term we will be making the stadium hopefully it turns out good. I think everyone who makes the stadium are going to act as ghost when we play second life.

The Class decided on a story

Our story is how people started to build a stadium and people died building it and now the people who died haunt the stadium. We dont know yet if we will have one person die or several people die.

Louie the Great: A St Albans Story

On day in 1930, a man named Louie lived in a small town in the western suburbs called St Albans. Louie was an armour maker who made armour for the Australian Military. The depression had hit and Louie’s business was going under as well as all the other peoples business around the area. Business was at an all time low and getting the essential needs for day-to-day life was a struggle. Louie was always down during the days of the depression since there was no stuff to do in his business like make armour, Louie did nothing all day. Hw just mainly walked around town trying to find food to eat and bring home to his family. Some days he was successful and others him and his family just went without food for the whole day. It was a struggle to live in the small town of St Albans

Months passed and life was still the same the depression was still there and nothing had changed. Louie was depressed and he decided to do something about it. He was sick of lying around all day watching his business go under, he was sick of always having to go find food everyday to feed his family. While sitting on his couch one day Louie decided he wonted to do something about it. He wonted to do something for the community and wonted everyone to get involved and be apart of the community. Louie had devised a plan to make a recreational stadium. This stadium would be a pivotal part of St Albans it would be something that people of the town could get involved in. Louie’s plan was the have activities for the people where they could play sport and communicate with one another. This would be a big change in St Albans.

Louie started building his stadium. He had the skill set to build this stadium because he did make armour and he knew what he was doing. It took him 6 months and 23 days to build his stadium. When he finished his stadium Louie opened it to the public he got people to register and take part in his stadium activities. Following the next few days the ora of the town of St Albans was much more cheerful. Finally people where smiling and laughing. St Albans was the town to be in. People still had there businesses and because of the stadium people from all around the world were coming to see the stadium and businesses where booming with wealth.

Later on Louie became the mayor of St Albans. This was the end of the depression because of Louie and the stadium; St Albans became a world famous place to visit in the 1930’s. Today Victoria University sits where the almighty stadium of Louie once stood. St Albans today wouldn’t be the same today if the stadium were never built. Today there are no more armour shops or stadium, but as you walk around Victoria University you can still find old bullets laying around as well as pieces of the stadium that once stood there.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

3 weeks ago we watched Run lola Run

3 weeks ago we watched Run lola Run. It is a good film with 3 endings. It is interesting because it is not like your normal film that you see.

Making cars

Today we made cars it is easy to do because you can paste scripts in so you can make anything you wont. It is good to make different cars designs.

I know how to make bullets

Last week i was taught how to make bullets with the guns we made. This was a good lesson because it is easy and pasting in scripts and using other peoples scripts make it easy to build stuff and you dont have to write out scripts.

Made some stuff

Last week i made some stuff. I made a head gun and a cube gun